Mike Jones



Forensic quantum expert

Insurance expert

Connect with Mike Jones

As a Partner at Modus, Mike brings his vast experience of civil engineering, renewable energy and process engineering projects to the team. His diverse portfolio includes high-value energy projects in the renewables and non-renewables sectors, as well as railway, highway and telecoms construction projects spanning the globe.

As a Chartered Surveyor, Mike leads the commercial, contract management and cost control elements of our commissions. This includes preparing claims, litigation risk assessments and management of any Client insurance claims. He also has an extensive experience in a third party determination processes.

“What specialism do I bring to the team? I have an aptitude for managing relationships and an eye for detail in forensic quantum assessments.”

In order to maintain his Chartered status and keep up to speed with legal and regulatory requirements, Mike attends accredited CPD courses from the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors as well as attending networking conferences and assisting in training and development of Modus personnel.